a feature that allows a user to update a specific settings view page contained within each skin that allows for the user to define what that person’s default for each skin to be used since different skins can offer similar and/or not similar to other skins number of views. Basically what you have now is each skin provides a set number of views and you may but they all follow a pattern which may be different on the various views which can be customized but requires that you manually update each and every set manually to the defaults you want it to take for that set but nothing globally as a default other than what the skin designer felt should be used as the default.
If each skin offered this level of customization it would greatly assist those who have favorite default view that can be modified for each skin and thus that would always start with that viewtype.
This page would for example in its settings default page offer a list of the options that the skin itself provides such as few examples from Confluence Skin:
ViewType (.i.e fanart, biglist etc)
SortBy : (year, title etc)
SortType (Ascending, Desending)
These options could be changed by the user and thus allowing those defaults to be used by that skin unless of course overridden within say the actual set itself
These same types of settings could also be defined individually for their other sections such such as Music, Music Videos etc. Think this would be a great help to folks who have their favorite views for each skin and then if things have to be moved around and refactored with a large library, this would prevent having to have to manually go back to say each collection (set) and manually modifying those parms for each and every one.
Now granted i know that its a skin specific implementation but however feel if kodi comes shipped with its own skins with a new settings default page then most likely other skinners will follow suit.