Different video add-ons behave differently in UI?

Why do different video add-ons behave differently in the Kodi user interface?

Take for example two free add-ons, NASA by Tristan Fischer and Al Jazeera by Jonathan Beluch, and watch their live streams you’ve marked as favorites by selecting them from the favorites “star menu”:

  • NASA: stream starts playing normally, when you exit the stream (like press STOP on your remote control) you are where you were in the UI before starting stream playback
  • Al Jazeera: you can see a “videos” subwindow open up before the stream starts playing, and when you exit the stream you have that open window on your screen which you need to close

Some other video add-ons display similar inconsistencies within the UI. I guess this comes from different generations of playback software, and the preferred way to function has changed over the years? Is it worth asking the add-on builders to try to standardize this behavior?