Custom Nodes On Pi (LibreElec)

Just started using LE 07.95.05 on my new RPi3, first time looking at my the RPi setup since my first install.

Meanwhile I have been working on Kodi development using a Windows environment, and thus runnng test versions under Win 7 and now Win 10. I got quite familar with setting up my prefered menu layout of custom nodes by copying the default folder(s) of xml files from the system folder into userdata/library and adding/editing what I wanted. I know there is a node editor now to make this easier, but I still like doing it the manual way.

However I have just discovered that it is not the same on the Pi. There is no system folder with the default layout of xml files to copy, instead I went to my Windows installation and borrowed it from there. A bit messy. If you want custom nodes then you can’t just add an xml file for as new node you need the other files that belong under the music or video folder.

So how should a user on a Pi manually manipulate their custom node layout?