Movies Are There, Then POOF! Gone (Arrival)

So I’ve had this problem quite a few times. I’ll be watching a movie closely for it to turn up [For AddOns like Genesis and Exodus, the movie link usually shows up weeks before the files do in “New Movies” or “In Theaters” (these file routes usually don’t work in Genesis, I’ve found Exodus to be about 100x more functional)].
But Again, last night Arrival finally shows up in Exodus, works for 15 minutes before it stops buffering and freezes Kodi all together, forcing a Delete Cache ReBoot… And when I get Back, it has 100% disappeared from Kodi, even the movie Art link that has been there for weeks is gone. And every time this happens it either disappears for good, or it takes forever to find its way back to the movie addons, like DVD forever.
Most recent example of this is the Pete’s Dragon ReBoot. GONE! Although i did recently find a few NOT Working links in Navi Xtreme.
So what’s the story?!