track info not constantly updated (from ID3) when playing internet radio stream

Hi all,

I have the following observation:

when I play the live stream of my favourite local radio station in Kodi 16 the currently playing artist and track info
is displayed in KODI when I start playing the stream.

When I continue playing the stream and the next track (in the radio program) starts, the track info in Kodi is not updated.
If I stop playing the stream and restart immediately, I can see the updated info about the currently playing artist / track.

To me it seems that Kodi is only reading the ID3 metadata at the beginning of the playback.
If the metadata changes while playing the stream – which should be normal for an internet radio stream –
Kodi doesn’t notice it.

Is there something I can do about it? Is this the expected behaviour of Kodi?

I’m using Kodi 16.1 Git:327c53.

Best regards and thanks in advance,