Kodi 17 upgrade of video add ons

I am posting in this area as i don’t seem to be able to post in another area
I am upgrading to Kodi 17
I find that upgrading from 16.1 to 17 does not work – whereas from 16 to 17 Beta it will
My video add ons seem not to appear in 17 Beta
In 16 1and 16.1 i can copy over the XBMC.org folder to other setups and it works fine
In 17 no such luck – even when i find a hidden folder in XBMC.org folder that is hidden called “ad ons”
This is in the data folder
I copy over that add on folder to overwrite it in the data folder
Yet none show up in the main screen areas of Kodi 17
How can i easily copy over the configuration of Kodi 16 to 17 Beta ?