Better way to “TAG” things

The new tagging feature, at least to me is something I would like to use. But …

The only way to use is to create a tag, then serially go through media to add to tag. If you have thousands of objects in Kodi Media Library, this approach just wont work.

I would like to see a new Featured added, where on any media object, Movie, TV Show, Video, Music etc, you could select an add to Tag feature. This would provide a
way to locate objects in whatever fashion you want and add them to a tag. Once this is added, it makes the Tag feature usable.

An example I’m looking to use tagging to create a “4K Movie” tag. This way in my library if I want to quickly bring up a list of my 4k Movies to select from I can. Currently
there is no Filter on media density that I know of, or I would use that. As 4K movies are coming out slowly, this would work well short term. I was also thinking about tagging
movies that have 7.1. or Atmos audio tracks. 3D movies would be another one. You get the idea

So please consider a function to Add an object to a Tag
