Usability: Channel focus in PVR Windows

Hi folks,

just some inquiry concering channel focus in PVR Windows. My wife quite often cries WTF when working with PVR windows that focus on some odd channel… so this seems to be at least a WAF thing.

From a noob user persoective the focus handling is at least unexpected

It seems to memorize the location when you scroll. It’s reset to the current channel, when changed. This is what I observe (using Milhouse build 1102 currently). After startup it seems to be always the lowest channel (although another channel may be playing due to autoplay last channel).

I pesonally would prefer to ALWAYS have the focus on a currently plaing channel when opening such a window.This is how all PVR boxes I know handle this. If really some memory is demanded (can’t image a realistic use case however) , then a timeout should apply…. say after a minute playing a channel in fullscreen, than this channel should be focuses on next window open.

All channel related windows seems to be affected.

OSD Guide
OSD Channels

Thanks for listening. 😉
