I have been horribly frustrated at trying to figure out how to either get Kodi FireTV stick to recognize and see my desktop or a desktop file in order to get BACKUP to auto save my Kodi config. But nothing I do seems to be right and it cannot find the desktop folder despite my many and varied attempts to make the file (MacMini OS) “shared bye all, with all privileges, etc”. Any of the blogs or instructional video seem to take me only so far and then lose me as nothing seems to want to follow their instructions exactly right.
Is there a better way for me to save my Kodi configuration? I’ve read one can use a jump drive but once again I can’t seem to figure out how to go from Kodi FireTV to a jump drive – or from FireTV to the Mac desktop.
I’l try anything anyone suggests – just please get me step-by-step instruction without assuming I know more than I do (a common enough problem of those of us who know just enough to be dangerous as we follow the instructions just fine until we get to that one assumed step that throws us, and then we end up having to research how to do just that lone step before going back to the original set of instructions. exhausting!)