Disable Context Menu

Dear Kodi users,

I need to find a way to disable (all)context menus in kodi. I’m creating a build and can’t find a setting related to this. Found a topic which explained how to do this on:

They say you have to use the following keyboard.xml in your userdata/keymaps folder.
<c mod=”alt,ctrl,shift”>ContextMenu</c>

I’ve saved the file and restarted kodi but nothing happens, I still can access the context menu with button “c” like kodi does not load this file or not reconigze it.
Another thing is there was no file like this present in userdata/keymaps so I created it manualy but where does kodi store its original keymap file where its shows its defaultcontextmenu??
I’ve created a new custom (superfavorite)menu with some addons in it, the problem is when users open this menu they will be displayed with all the addons but still has the ability to change these settings or the whole menu with the provided (superfavorite)context menu. What I really want is to disable this feature and if possible disable the whole context menu for all menu’s or addons.

Please help!