Set limited range to 16-235 in Kodi Android

When I was using a Raspberry Pi I would have to go into config.txt because video was to dark and adjusting brightness washed it outand would add this to my config.txt file.

hdmi_pixel_encoding=0 default (limited for CEA, full for DMT)
hdmi_pixel_encoding=1 RGB limited (16-235)
hdmi_pixel_encoding=2 RGB full ( 0-255)
hdmi_pixel_encoding=3 YCbCr limited (16-235)
hdmi_pixel_encoding=4 YCbCr full ( 0-255)

I would use hdmi_pixel_encoding=3 YCbCr limited (16-235) or maybe hdmi_pixel_encoding=1 RGB limited (16-235), cant remember but it was one of the 16-235 ones.
That made darker less dark and I didnt have to crank up brightness and wash image out.

Keep people saying there is setting in expert video to use 16-236 range but no such thing there.Not on Raspberry Pi and now.Must have been on older Kodi versions and removed??

Anyone know how to do this in Kodi in AndroidConfused