so sometimes I watch a video and then I am done. Video is marked as watched and I guess resume point is zero. All cool.
But sometimes I watch it completely and later go in just to see a specific scene again. So now it is still marked as watched BUT it has a resume point to it see it as partially watched. Not cool for my case… I understand some people may want to watch that video twice and had to pause in the middle. They would then want that resume point. In my case that is a no…
I understand I can mark it as unwatched and then watched to remove the resume point. But I kind of like to see when I watched a particular video. If I do the unwatch watch magic, that is then the date I did that.
What I was thinking is that it could be added to the context menu. When I click play and have the “ask me” option enabled, I see play video, resume from xyz. How about it would be play, resume from xyz and Remove Resume Point.
This cannot be much, right? This could even be an addon. Like an extremely simple addon. I wish I could code and hack that together but sadly I cannot…