Zidoo X9S (4K / HDR / 3D / HD Audio): Review & User Impressions

Sorry in advance if I’m offending anyone (as there are some sensitive peeps in these here forums Wink) by starting a fresh thread for Zidoo X9S. Here’s the original thread. Purpose of this thread is to focus on user impressions and reviews, less so on mostly Zidoo-provided info/pics and user speculation. Thanks.

The “never say never again” review Tongue

Zidoo X9S: A/V Performance Review

Overall Verdict: B (almost a B+, with potential for an ‘A’, really; just not there yet)

(Based on firmware v.1.2.3)

  • A/V performance: B+
  • 3D-specific performance: B+
  • 4K-specific performance: TBD
  • User experience: B+
  • Value for money: B+
  • Support: B


When Zidoo announced the X9S and posted flashy claims and screenshots, I was interested enough to stop and take notice, but had no desire to request a sample for actual review. I previously reviewed their X6 Pro, and subsequently read about shortcomings with X5, so thought I’d take a wait-and-see approach as to whether their claims actually delivered as advertised. After reading some more posts and seeing some more screenshots, I changed my mind (got intrigued enough) and figured why the heck not?!

My thanks to Zidoo for sending me a review unit. I had told @mirror88 that if I didn’t find that X9S mostly delivered after brief testing, I’d stop right there, not bother further, and not even post a review. Well, I’m happy to report that Zidoo’s X9S is actually pretty good, and does quite a bit right already Smile. Seems like this time could be the charm for them. There are some issues, but no big deal-breakers IMHO. I’m hoping Zidoo can make X9S better fairly quickly. In fact, I’m rooting for it as X9S should be a worthy (and perhaps better) alternative, at some point, to HiMedia Q5/Q10 Pro (which it’s closest to as a media player).

So, here are my impressions after 2 hours of testing. I’m not done. This review remains incomplete. I need watch a couple of 2D and 3D movies (as in real world use) all the way though (not just relying on short samples) and test 4K performance.

A/V Performance:

(Please click below to enlarge)
[Image: 7rrhp0y.jpg]
(Please click above to enlarge)

Box Performance:

The X9S boots up to main user interface (Android launcher) in about 29-30 seconds, after pressing ‘power’ button on remote. Not that quick, but not slow either. The box itself is quite snappy, and I didn’t notice any lags, whether navigating around the main UI, or browsing my large movie/TV libraries (couple of thousand titles).

Zidoo’s wrapper solution from ZDMC (to call up and open video in external/native player) is faster than HiMedia’s on Q5/Q10 Pro. It’s also more elegant, feeling more like an integrated, seamless solution (even though it obviously isn’t). ZDMC is Zidoo’s fork of Kodi based off official Jarvis 16.1.

Key Issues & Bugs:

  • 3D MVC MKV’s not playing in 3D mode (and can’t force proper playback manually either)
  • 3D ISO’s default to playing via ZDMC internal dvdplayer, even when external player enabled in settings (but, external can be engaged by highlighting video & choosing “Play to” external)
  • 3D flip-eyes function broken
  • No basic picture controls (brightness, contrast, etc.)
  • ZDMC occasionally crashes (see photo gallery above)
  • My review unit came with f/w v1.2.0 installed, and when I did update as instructed, I still had the old ZDMC. Did a factory reset, which provided proper update (w/changes in settings, and ZDMC)

Tips & Tricks:

To be added later.

Box Build Quality & Remote Control:

To be added later.

HDMI Recording Feature:

To be added later.


To be posted later, after I’ve completed my full evaluation.