Kodi Fails to load skin settings on skin reload

Just upgraded to the latest nightly with a new and clean install. No addons installed apart from resource selection script and 1 fanart pack and no setting.xml on startup.
So the scenario is i load the skin and change a skin setting from within the interface.

In the settings.xml

<setting id="HomeFanart.path" type="string"></setting>

The selected fanart is visible on the home screen.

After doing a ReloadSkin() the settings.xml then shows;

<setting id="HomeFanart.path" type="string">resource://resource.images.skinbackgrounds.darkwood/</setting>

No Fanart is visible.

On a second skin refresh;

<setting id="HomeFanart.ext" type="string"></setting>

Fanart is then visible.

This has the same effect for every skin setting. One refresh the setting is empty. Second refresh the setting seems to be ok. Third refresh setting becomes empty as so on.

This in the debug log

09:38:14 T:9400 WARNING: CSkinInfo: failed to load skin settings


EDIT: Tried Beta 2 and i have the same issue. Then tried Beta 1 and all is ok.