car pc jessie

dont know if this the right part to put my thread, if not pleas move to rightSmile thx
i need som help
RBP 2 jessie 2016-05-27 may

i am trying this

but i dont understand this bit:

Install build dependecies

First create a text file control with the following content:

Section: misc
Priority: optional
Standards-Version: 3.9.2

Package: kodi-15-build-deps
Depends: autoconf, automake, autopoint, autotools-dev, cmake, curl, default-jre, gawk, gperf, libao-dev, libasound2-dev, libass-dev (>= 0.9.8), libavahi-client-dev, libavahi-common-dev, libbluetooth-dev, libbluray-dev (>= 0.7.0), libboost-dev, libboost-thread-dev, libbz2-dev, libcap-dev, libcdio-dev, libcec-dev, libcurl4-openssl-dev | libcurl4-gnutls-dev | libcurl-dev, libcwiid-dev, libdbus-1-dev, libfontconfig-dev, libfreetype6-dev, libfribidi-dev, libgif-dev (>= 4.1.6), libgl1-mesa-dev | libgl-dev, libglew-dev, libglu1-mesa-dev | libglu-dev, libiso9660-dev, libjasper-dev, libjpeg-dev, libltdl-dev, liblzo2-dev, libmicrohttpd-dev, libmodplug-dev, libmpcdec-dev, libmpeg2-4-dev, libmysqlclient-dev, libnfs-dev, libogg-dev, libpcre3-dev, libplist-dev, libpng12-dev | libpng-dev, libpulse-dev, librtmp-dev,libsdl2-dev, libsmbclient-dev, libsqlite3-dev, libssh-dev, libssl-dev, libswscale-dev, libtag1-dev (>= 1.8), libtiff-dev, libtinyxml-dev (>= 2.6.2), libtool, libudev-dev, libusb-dev, libva-dev, libvdpau-dev, libvorbis-dev, libxinerama-dev, libxml2-dev, libxmu-dev, libxrandr-dev, libxslt1-dev, libxt-dev, libyajl-dev (>=2.0), lsb-release, nasm, python-dev, python-imaging, python-support, swig, unzip, uuid-dev, yasm, zip, zlib1g-dev
Description: List of packages that are used to build Kodi.
List of packages that are used to build Kodi.

i install jessic, and put in in my sd redar, and just put the .txt filen on it.. it was hard to find it.

and when iam trying to move the .txt to misc i get error cant move.

what is wrong. or i am complete out of my thinking how to do it?