[HOW TO] Install KodiBuntu with Jarvis 16.1 and Chromium browser on i386

Hi All,

I thought I would share my experience installing KodiBuntu on a i386 32-bit Mac Mini Core Duo Chip. The process should be mostly the same with any 32-bit or 64-bit OS. I really wanted to have Kodi boot up on startup and also have Chromium browser support.

Here is my process:

Install KodiBuntu

Step 1) Partition hard drive on Mac to have a dual boot. For this I installed the utility rEFInd and followed this guide
Now you should end up with a partition of say 20 gig of empty space on the hard disk and when you boot rEFInd should pop up.
NOTE: I did try the last steps of the guide and delete the partitions and get my full mac drive back so recommend you do a full backup first.

Step 2) Download KodiBuntu from the Kodi.tv website, Either the 32-bit or the 64-bit versions.

Step 3) Make a bootable CD using image burn or if making a bootable USB download this tool called Linux Live

Step 4) When the boot screen comes up choose your bootable media and install KodiBuntu. Don’t click The option that talks about screen size. Now on a reboot Kodi should boot into HELIX 14.

Getting the stable kodi PPA installed.

KodiBuntu Comes with the




installed from the disk image and has to be removed first. If you do the following command in terminal you can see which one is installed and needed to be removed

apt-cache policy kodi


ls /etc/apt/sources.list.d

Step 5) Fixing up the Kodi PPAs (remove unstable and nightly and add the stable PPA):

Open up a terminal and type in the following (You may not have all these ppa’s installed.

sudo add-apt-repository -r ppa:team-xbmc/ubuntu/unstable

or whichever package you have installed by running

apt-cache policy kodi


ls /etc/apt/sources.list.d


Press the y key and ENTER to remove the PPA.

sudo add-apt-repository -r ppa:team-xbmc/xbmc-nightly

Press the y key and ENTER to remove the PPA.

sudo add-apt-repository -r ppa:team-xbmc/unstable

Press the y key and ENTER to remove the PPA.

sudo add-apt-repository -r ppa:team-xbmc/ppa

Press the y key and ENTER to remove the PPA.

Now add the stable Kodi PPA:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:team-xbmc/ppa

Press the y key and ENTER to add the PPA.

Update your computer software sources lists:

sudo apt-get update

Next, remove your current version of Kodi:

sudo apt-get remove kodi*

Install the stable version of Kodi:

sudo apt-get install kodi

If the installation stops because some packages are bieng held back/missing you may need to do a dist-upgrade
to download the missing components:

sudo apt-get dist-upgrade

Then try to install Kodi again:

sudo apt-get install kodi

You should now have Jarvis 16.1 installed.
NOTE: Because i was on a i386 OS KRYPTON DID NOT INSTALL. I had lots of flashing lights and stuff.

Now to get the Chromium Browser
Step 5) Download and install from zip Advanced Launcher

Step 6) Before you open the addon you need to add the root as a new source so the you see it in the addon. Do this in the normal way through file manager.

Step 7) Open the addon and click default then “Standalone Launcher”. Locate chromium-browser in


Step 8) Boot into Lubuntu Desktop environment. Open Chromium Browser and then drag all 4 corners out so that it fills the screen. DO NOT JUST CLICK THE +. This is a very important step as if not done you waste hours of time figuring out how to make it full screen through linux commands etc. Blush

Step 9) Log back out and Back into Kodi. Try launching the browser and it should open just fine.

Step 10) Add the link to Super Favorites for quick access if you want. You can add it straight to Kodi favorites but for some reason the chromium window doesn’t cover the RSS feed at the bottom.

NOTE: To close the Chromium Browser window and get back to Kodi Press Alt + F4 or close the tabs by clicking the X on the open tab

I hope you have enjoyed my guide Big Grin

Thanks to all the other threads I used for this guide especially:

