On the Fly transcoding

I currently have a dedicated Mythtv server which works alright but I am getting tired of troubleshooting for days when I find minor issues. I am interested in switching to NextPVR but I am concerned because I read somewhere that NextPVR doesn’t do on the fly stream transcoding for Kodi frontends. It was an older post (2012-ish) and I am hoping it might be out of date. So is this the case? Does NextPVR transcode for devices that may be under-powered? The device I am thinking about specifically is a Raspberry Pi 2 I am running Kodi as a frontend on in my bedroom. The backend would be running on an Intel NUC running (presumably) Windows 10. I wanted to get confirmation on that before I waste $100+ bucks on a copy of windows 10 for my server. Thank you in advance,
