Helping Out


In a recent post you wrote the following:

(2017-01-25 11:49)DaveBlake Wrote:  I am missing my admin staff to type this stuff up, make gant charts etc. and a whole team of people to write the user guide and the wiki etc. Any volunteers?

I am very happy to try and help in whatever way I can. I try to answer some of the questions on the forum I think I can help with and if you or anyone else has bits of the wiki they think are lacking I can take a bash at that. The only thing is that I don’t go near musicbrainz IDs or picard, which is unfortunately the biggest change that’s happening, and I guess correct tagging is the part that needs the most updating on the wiki. I can try to research it a bit and write something, but it’s not going to be from a user’s perspective. It’s not that I don’t agree with the musicbrainz IDs, particularly for those that have not previously scanned their metadata, it’s just that I did all my tagging long ago, when we still had access to allmusic, etc, and don’t want to mess up my existing data.

If there is anything else you or other users think needs overhauling on the wiki or you need help in any other ways please shout. I really do want to help as I’ve got so much enjoyment from Kodi, but I equally don’t want to get in the way.