Kodi on FireTV crashes on exit after saving settings

I have been noticing this for a while, I can’t believe others haven’t noticed it and reported it.
But I didn’t find any reference to this behavior from Kodi in a forum search. Amazing!

I have Kodi on two 4K FireTV units.
They both took their recent OS updates, and that did not change this problem. I had it before, and I have it now.
They both work fine, more than fine.
No problems at all.
Except for this.
I changed the contents of the video home screen, changing source icons to the screen, stuff like that, just for convenience.
The five icons that appear on the video screen in home.
The first time I did this some time ago I had no problem changing it in the skin settings.
But on restart the change was not saved.
Someone suggested after that change I have to exit Kodi with the poweroff icon in the lower left.
That worked, the contents were then changed and saved.
But when I click that icon with the remote control, the blue exit box appears in the center, I click that and nothing happens.
Not appearance that it had been clicked, but the sound plays. The blue exit box remains on the screen.
I can’t then click anything on the kodi screen that is before me. Clicking the exit button should dismiss it, but it does not.
I can click home, and I can get to the FireTV’s home screen.
But though I can use any other function of the FireTV, I can’t use Kodi again until I reboot.
Clearly something in the change I made to the skin, or the exit has crashed Kodi.

There are two bugs here.

  1. The change in skin should have been saved IMHO, without exiting Kodi.
  2. The system should not stop responding with the blue exit box on the screen.

The change in skin should have been saved IMHO, without exiting Kodi.
The system should not stop responding with the blue exit box on the screen.

I noticed this problem maybe nearly a year ago, the first time I tried to save settings, and again now. Same thing!
You would think with the large userbase this would have been reported already. I guess not.
My apologies if this is a known bug and I didn’t find it on the forums. I searched.