Amazing quick search 4 shows,episodes(Created but wishing a better official one)

Feature Request: Quick filter (Search) on top and always available in the media menu

Windows Explorer and most of file explorers/programs/websites have search that is on top which results in fast filtering.
However, Kodi lacks this in shows or movies but it’s possible to implement with slight skin modification.

How I modded the official skin to enable this:
If we enable filtering everywhere and position it on top we can achieve a similar result to Windows Explorer, resulting in a fast to access search feature from anywhere within Kodi.

Why is it needed if there’s jump to letter?
Even though we can search quickly by using ([Shift] + [Letter]) it doesn’t suffice because of the disadvantages

  1. It is slow in case you have a lot of shows with the same letter.
  2. It doesn’t work for shows that starts with a number, eg: 91 Days.
  3. It doesn’t work for episodes.

How is it useful, GIF Example:
While using a keyboard this is extremely useful, you can type the name of the show, and immediately it will be found.
Just press the left arrow and type the show name to find it.
[Image: source.gif]

The reason I am requesting for an official version, instead of this
While it is already possible and I’ve achieved it, as shown above in the GIF
I wish to see it implemented officially because I need it to be improved further due to certain limitations, like:

  1. If I’m done with the search I have to erase what I typed to retrieve the full list again (results in inconvenience).
    It should be: Pressing [backspace] to be back to the full list, yet now it sends me out of the whole show category.
  2. Perhaps pressing enter if the show matches what is written, it will immediately take you to it instead of having to exit the media menu and then select the show.

It is truly convenient, and I always thought something was missing in Kodi as I couldn’t find this search filter.

Thanks! (^ ^)