Add-on refreshes file list…

Hi all, not sure how to explain this so found it really hard to find anything via Google or Forum search but I noticed recently that navigating and watching videos within addons is taking longer and this mainly appears to be down to the add-on refreshing all info from the server on each display.

For example the YouTube add-on is something I use frequently. If I bring up a search results page it will give me a list of videos as normal. Click on a video and start watching. However once I stop the video or toggle full screen to view the list again to either select another video or just look at the list there is a pause of 5-6 seconds and a spinny loading icon as what I am assuming is kodi asking the remote server for a refreshed list. Previously it would just dump you instantly back at the cached list which meant flocking between videos was quick.

Btw, this must be a kodi global issue as happens to all internet content now.

Is this something that has changed or is it something with my setup?

Sent from my LG-H815 (typie typie)