Parental controls – kids profile – hide content based on rateing

I am considering to make a switch over to Kodi and I am wondering if/how it handles Parental control for the content.

So what I’d like to do is create 2 profiles, one for the kids and one for me and my wife (i already figured that part out – including using MySQL as central DB).

On the NAS I have a TVSeries folder which contains all our TvShows, and a Movies folder which contains all the movies.

Ideal would be if I could tell the Kodi Movies/TvSeries section of the kids user to not show any content that is rated i.e. 12years and older (thats how the ratings work here 0, 6, 12, 16, 18years. nfo’s of the movies already contain that data)

So as the kids grow older, all I would then have to do is change the “age gate” so that they see more movies and tv-series inside of their profile. No moving around of files on the NAS to a “kids only” folder.

But I have not found any info (yet) which indicates that Kodi could do it that way. Sad