ERROR: GetDirectory loading loganaddon

I’ve kodi installed on Ununtu. When i try to launch Loganaddon it say “We failed to reach a server”.
Same addon in other pc in the same network work correctly.
The problem was already present before the upgrade to v17
This is the log output:

15:13:57.034 T:140406473586432   ERROR: GetDirectory - Error getting
15:13:57.467 T:140405848356608   ERROR: Previous line repeats 6 times.
15:13:57.467 T:140405848356608  NOTICE: URLResolver: Initializing URLResolver version: 3.0.27
15:13:57.601 T:140405848356608   ERROR: Traceback (most recent call last):
15:13:57.601 T:140405848356608   ERROR:   File "/home/ga/.kodi/addons/", line 723, in getsources
15:13:57.602 T:140405848356608   ERROR:     getData(ba[0]['url'], ba[0]['fanart'])
15:13:57.602 T:140405848356608   ERROR:   File "/home/ga/.kodi/addons/", line 920, in getData
15:13:57.602 T:140405848356608   ERROR:     soup = getSoup(url,data)
15:13:57.602 T:140405848356608   ERROR:   File "/home/ga/.kodi/addons/", line 887, in getSoup
15:13:57.602 T:140405848356608   ERROR:     if"#EXTM3U",data) or 'm3u' in url:
15:13:57.602 T:140405848356608   ERROR:   File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 146, in search
15:13:57.602 T:140405848356608   ERROR:     return _compile(pattern, flags).search(string)
15:13:57.602 T:140405848356608   ERROR: TypeError: expected string or buffer

Can you help me?

Thanks a lot