Problem with 3D tag and sorting by 3D tags

I got some 3D movies in my library. Some are half-SBS and some full-SBS and the file naming matches this.

The problem is that some movies (Avatar) doesn’t get the 3D flag (icon) in the movie list (but filters out in 3D tag). At the same time other movies that isn’t 3D and doesn’t got the 3D flag shows up with the filter 3D tag (The Hunger Games and Star Wars).

Summary: Problem 1, Avatar doesn’t get a 3D flag in Kodi even though it got both 3D and SBS in in the file name.
Problem 2, some movies gets in to 3D tags filten even though they lack the 3D flag and the 3D and SBS in the file name.

I might be confused about flags and tags, but I think I got it right.
