Estuary Plus Skin with improved readability throughout

Firstly, credit to the developers for a truly professional first class skin.

However, for some combinations of TV screen size and viewing distance it can be quite difficult to read.

Therefore I have modified the skin throughout to improve the readability, this is not a redesign of the skin with new features but just a general increase in the font size of around 10% to 15%, and where necessary resizing of screen elements in order to accommodate the increased font size. Where applicable I have reinstated horizontal scrolling of text similar to the previous Confluence skin.

Download Estuary Plus Skin from here and install via Addons > Install from zip file:…/

I also like to pause live TV and recordings in order to read the information on screen but the pause screen seek bar quite often hides the text that I want to read. Therefore I created another version with a slimmed down pause screen. The only drawback is that pause appears to be classed as a type of seek function therefore after every pause the seek bar reappears for about 3 seconds due to the Player.DisplayAfterSeek function becoming active.

Download Estuary Plus Skin with modified pause screen from here and install via Addons > Install from zip file:…/

Here is a screenshot of the TV Guide as an example. The font sizes have been increased, the number of rows reduced from 9 to 8, the number of hours displayed across the width increased to 3.5, horizontal scrolling of text has been used for the focussed channel and programme names and the brightness of the alternatively coloured text has been increased:

[Image: 6j0Hcl6.png]