Small, simple but very effective and efficient modification.
The principle – icon of clock in the top bar indicates recording status.
The icon shows three possible states:
1. no current or future scheduled recording – no clock icon
2. no current recording and one future scheduled recording at least – clock icon in skin theme basic color
3. currently ongoing one recording at least – clock icon is red
Skin file Includes.xml, code and number of the lines is applicable for Estuary MOD 1.7.9
Original file (Notepad++ editor sreenshot)
Original part of the code, start at line 2372:
<control type=”image”>
<texture colordiffuse=”$VAR[SkinColorVar]”>frame/clock.png</texture>
<animation effect=”fade” time=”300″>Visible</animation>
<animation effect=”fade” time=”150″>Hidden</animation>
Modified file (Notepad++ editor sreenshot)
Modified (new) part of the code, start at line 2372:
<control type=”image”>
<texture colordiffuse=”red”>frame/clock.png</texture>
<animation effect=”fade” time=”300″>Visible</animation>
<animation effect=”fade” time=”150″>Hidden + </animation>
<visible>!Window.IsActive(volumebar) + PVR.IsRecordingTV</visible>
<control type=”image”>
<texture colordiffuse=”$VAR[SkinColorVar]”>frame/clock.png</texture>
<animation effect=”fade” time=”300″>Visible</animation>
<animation effect=”fade” time=”150″>Hidden + </animation>
<visible>!Window.IsActive(volumebar) + !PVR.IsRecordingTV + PVR.HasNonRecordingTVTimer</visible>
Enjoy it.