Possible to view stored album Artwork while playing Music?

I have accumulated for many albums a number of folders of CD Artwork, stored in each album folder under a dedicated folder entitled Artwork. These folders contain .jpg and/or pdf scans of the cd, cdart, and the associated scanned pages of cd booklets. I’d very much like to be able to access this folder while I am playing a particular album to peruse the info just as if I were to be gazing at an album cover like the good old days.

[Many] Question time…

Is this possible now? Is this merely a skin feature or yet-to-be developed visualization? If not, would it be difficult to create a tab as pat of the cd info page that would allow me to click on an existing “Artwork” folder and cycle through the graphics, perhaps while keeping the “Now Playing” info at the bottom of the screen? If fanart were included could it not also be accessed and viewed by the user? Can Kodi even display a pdf file?

Thx…fingers crossed.