Choosing the right versatile box for up to $80

I’m currently looking for a TV box for under $80 which I’m going to be using exclusively for film watching from the USB stick. I don’t need any streaming or internet features, I don’t care about game performance, I just want something that will flawlessly and smoothly playback any 1080p format I throw at them alongside subtitles in the most popular formats straight from the USB flash drive or stick. I don’t need analog sound or similar features, a plain old HDMI is enough. Having said all that, after my research it seems the sensible options are:

– Tanix TX8 MAX ($74) – generally typical specs (octa S912) but it’s the only box in the range that I found to have 3GB of DDR4 RAM. The other ones are either 3GB DDR3 or DDR4 but only 2GB. On the other hand – will this difference be in any way noticeable, either now or in the future?
– X92 (couldn’t find the manufacturer anywhere so I guess that’s the whole name?) ($55) – for $20 less, we get the very same specs as the TX8 with the only exception being DDR3 RAM. It also has a display on the front (not that it’s important to me but if it’s there anyway, it’s a nice addition)

Which one would you go for? Or maybe something completely different? Maybe I’d be better off buying something even cheaper if I’m not planning to play 4k anyway? Or maybe not but then again, is it worth paying almost 50% more the price of X92 for the fact of the TX8 having DDR4 and not DDR3?

Thank you a lot in advance for all the insight Smile