Amazon Echo, Spotify (Connect Web, Web API)

Hello together, preliminary, I dont want to discuss any data protection discussions in this thread! Everyone can decide by his own, whether to use echo, or not, so please post only substantive contributions Smile THANKS for understanding!

I have now 2 echo devices running for some time now. In addition to my shopping list and TODoist / IFTTT, “Alexa” makes it really surprisingly good to control my “Spotify” music (Amazon Music & Radio as well). Sure, there is still a lot wrong, but all in all, echo ist very usable. Timer management while cooking is also helpful, as well as some other Skills.

After my update on LibreElec 8, the Spotify AddON does not work anymore (i have to fix ;-)) … so Alexa is currently handling my Spotify music. Because is very comfortable, to have a display, on which I can see what is running, I’ve have configured Chromium in the kiosk mode to display (, whats running on spotify ( needs flash, i installed also flash (ppapi AND npapi), but flash is freezing after a few seconds :-(. Please have a look at this really basic website on Amazon (shame on Amazon) … as you can see, there is SOME space to integrate more informations about echo messages (from “home” for example). Because the libspotify api is depreciated, there must be develoed a new Spotify Addon on web api incl. Spotify Connect and thats the reason why i wont to ask all the spotify & echo owners to discuss this item here.

I would like to know who has a interest in this topic? I’m really curious about who can contribute?

Please also have a look to this here: ,