Kodi keeps changing my refresh rate, driving me nuts :D

Okay here is my setup
1 AOC PC Gaming Monitor
2. 40 Inch LCD TV i use for Kodi and watching my Movies

The AOC is Main LCD is Secondary, i use extended display.
The driving me nuts part coming right up, as soon as i launch kodi in my 40 inch lcd, refresh rate showed by Nvidia control panel (and i can watch it live
My LCD goes from 60 to 50, when i exit Kodi refresh rate change back to 60 on my LCD.
Now if this was a “Set” thing just something Kodi does and you have to live with it, i would accept it, BUT Big Grin
If i make my 40 inch LCD Main and My AOC sec refresh rate stays put as it should without Kodi burning off my last brain cells, by acting on its own doing shit to my setup, sry bad language let me correct was saying without kodi doing what a Bear does in the woods.

Now the problem making my LCD main besides from the refresh rate chage is i have to move every app i open over to my AOC, that includes every game i open FF chrome Edge and so on.

So please anyone “that also includes every TK, who rather beat me with a stick” i know lots of joking but that is just to keep me carm before either my AOC or LCD get Airborne because its driving me nuts i cant “lock it down”

So what are my options would a Advanced.xml work and set my res and refresh rate if that’s even possible to do,
So please help me out and ill give my jokes a rest,
Thank You