The most frustrating thing about any skin…

First off forgive me as I’m a newbie to Kodi so maybe I just don’t know how to do this.

After trying out many skins I find the same issue with all of them: setting a default view. I have not found a skin that will keep the same view throughout the category (e.g. movies, TV Shows). Using the Mimic skin and movies by year as an example I set my view type as “Shift” in 2004 and when I switch to year 2005 the view type will change to what seems to be the default “List”. I would have to change each year to “Shift” individually which is obviously impractical. I have found this issue in every skin I’ve tried.

Is this normal? Is there a skin that allows you to set a default view or a setting in the advancedsettings file that I can use?

Thanks for any help or suggestions.