Qobuz add-on cannot send music to N50A UPnP renderer

My configuration is:
– QNAP TS-251+ with KODI 16.0 running in HD station.
My QNAP is connected to my freebox (RJ45)
– Network Audio Player Pioneer N50A which is also connected to my Freebox (RJ45)

I installed the add-on Qobuz for KODI.

I connect to Qobuz and reads all what I want without any problem when I use the default audio stream (home cinema speakers)

But when I want to redirect the audio stream to my N50A (by right clicking + and select option “Read with” + select “N50A”) , there is no sound.
There is sometimes an error (Error reading) and a bip and nothing happens.
Moreover, when I use KODI to read my local music stored in my QNAP disks, there are no problem to redirect the stream to the N50A.

So my understanding is that there is a problem for the Qobuz plugin to send data to the UPnP renderer of the N50A.
Here is an extract of the kodi.log when it fails:

12:29:59 T:140196087576320 NOTICE: [Qobuz/QobuzApiEasy] uri: /track/getFileUrl, params: {‘format_id’: ‘5’, ‘request_ts’: 1486207799.828386, ‘intent’: ‘stream’, ‘request_sig’: ‘27653842994335dc58fad1beca5201d2’, ‘track_id’: ‘31204138’}
12:30:00 T:140198591080448 ERROR: CUPnPPlayer::PlayFile(http://streaming.qobuz.com:80/file?uid=6…8eIDYJAm3E) failed to find a matching resource
12:30:00 T:140198591080448 ERROR: UPNP: CUPnPPlayer::OpenFile – unable to open file http://streaming.qobuz.com:80/file?uid=6…8eIDYJAm3E
12:30:00 T:140198591080448 ERROR: Playlist Player: skipping unplayable item: 0, path [plugin://plugin.audio.qobuz/?mode=2&nt=4&nid=31204138]

Thanks for your help. Wink
