Kodi / HDHomeRun

I need advice regarding use of Kodi with HDHomeRun Dual tuner(s). There are numerous reports regarding the extremely flaky DHCP capabilities of HomeRun devices, to the point where the only remotely reliable network connections possible are direct links between PC and HDHomeRun device. This renders the things virtually useless with Windows, however given the superior networking capabilities of Unix / Linux, I’m wondering if it is feasible to allow the HDHomeRun devices to have their way with their 169.254 address obsessions and rely on Kodi to deal with other LAN / WAN connections.

What I have in mind is a mini-LAN just for the HDHomeRun tuner(s) and another for the proper LAN. From the perspective of Kodi, will this arrangement allow streaming video to be shared over the LAN ? and Kodi to be configured remotely ?