Creating a new smart playlist destroys ordering of old playlists widgets

This is something I noticed happening for a while now, but because of all the new widgets we can have, I figure i better write it up.
It is possible this is happening because I have smart playlists named with 1 letter (for example smart playlist ‘A’ represents all movies starting with letter ‘A’), but I am not sure.
-Also backing up and restoring a saved skin will NOT restore the old (and correct) widget ordering.-

Steps to reproduce: (using Windows 10 look)
1. Create many smart playlists (about 50 or so) and many of them named with 1 letter.
(Let me know where to upload, and I can upload all of mine so you dont have to spend time creating them all)
2. Create several pages and various widgets per page made from these smart playlists. When creating all these widgets on various pages of the menu, use ‘smart playlists’ to create them.
(I can upload a saved skin so you dont have to go through all this as well)
3. When done, return to the home menu and see everything is working and all pages/widgets are ordered and listed correctly. Exit and restart Kodi if you want.
4. Backup and save the skin
5. Create a new smart playlist (For example I created one called ‘All new movies’ with a rule listing all movies greater than the date of 1905).. but any new playlist created will do.
6. Now go back into the home screen menu, or skin settings and see that many (about 30% or so) of all previous widgets are now reordered, or replaced with the wrong widgets using different smart playlists.
7. Restore your saved skin settings you backed up to see that the backup saved did not restore the widgets back to their correct positions.