Strange song name displays

I’m seeing a bit of an odd display in song listings, and I’m not sure if it’s something wrong with my set up or is within Krypton. I’ve tried in both Estuary and Transparency and the same thing is happening. When I drill down to the song contents of an album there are different views available. If I choose sort by Title it appears right but, is in alphabetical not track order, as shown below

[Image: Screenshot_from_2016_10_01_11_31_20.png]

But if I choose to sort by Track all I see is artist and % symbols, not the name of the track. As shown below:

[Image: Screenshot_from_2016_10_01_11_31_35.png]

If I start playing the album the now playing line at the bottom of the screen shows the correct name, even though the track listing is still showing ‘%’s instead of names.

[Image: Screenshot_from_2016_10_01_11_44_45.png]

Could someone please let me know if they see the same thing happening, as I’m not sure if it’s a Krypton issue, as skins issue or most likely a ‘me’ issue.
