variable number of addon options possible?

Don’t think this is possible and if not it might be a nice feature request. Is it possible to have a addon option to set an amount of possible other options? Such as a user sets a number and it will generate that number of options based off a format.
I’m writing an addon which has a folder selection for one of the settings but a user could want to set 1 or multiple folders based on their preference.
just to clarify. I’m looking for something like this.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?>
    <category label="32000">
        <setting label="32001" type="lsep"/>
        <setting type="sep"/>
        <setting id="NUMBER_OF_FOLDERS" type="number" label="32002" default="1"/>
        <setting label="32004" type="lsep"/>
        <setting type="sep"/>
        <setting id="FOLDER(NUMBER_OF_FOLDERS)" type="folder" label="32005" default="/folder"/>