Cannot Get Picade-HAT controls to be detected

After a night of hair pulling and editing Every joystick.xml and Keymap.xml I could find, I still cannot get my Picade-HAT to work as a controller for Kodi.

I Started with 16.1 and it wasn’t working there, so I upgraded to 17 Last night, and still cannot get this thing to detect any button presses from the HAT.

I have changed keyboard and joystick mappings in:

No changes.

I have tried adding – <joystick name=”Picade-HAT”>
Which is what cat /proc/bus/input/devices is showing the Picade as being named.

Still nothing.

My Picade-HAT works everywhere in Emulationstation, Retro, Attract mode, and in the OS.

Showkey also shows all presses.

It just REFUSES to work in Kodi.

Its also not showing a Joystick in Peripherals within Kodi

The CEC Adapter is the only thing being shown.

I also tried the Keyboard Remapper Add-On. No luck there either.

When attempting to manually remap buttons from within Kodi, the Hat is not detected at all. Though the same keys ojn the keyboard work fine. Its as if Kodi cannot see the keyboard emulation being done by the Picade HAT.

Please, anyone run into this and fixed it?

I totally destroyed all my layouts in Attract mode trying to get this to work.

After 40+ hours of trying, this is my last resort 🙁

Thanks all in advance!