Possible to Auto Load Changes to NFO File?

NFO_files (wiki) states, “If you make changes to the NFO file you will need to refresh that library entry for the changes to be loaded into Kodi.” Is there any way around this limitation? I love the idea/convenience of editing an NFO file in media manager software like MediaElch and having Kodi automatically acknowledge the changes to the NFO file. Refresh#Refreshing_the_library (wiki) recommends the XBMC Library Auto Update addon or the Library Watchdog addon to automate library updates, but I’ve experimented with them and can’t seem to get the functionality I’m searching for. In order for Kodi to actually acknowledge a change that I’ve made to an NFO file, I actually have to select the movie, go to its Information, and click Refresh. It just gets a little cumbersome when I have to do this over and over again. I know you can Refresh media in bulk by going to the source and setting the Content to “none” and then resetting it to Movies or TV Shows or whatever, but this itself is pretty cumbersome after a while.

I was just curious if anyone has a more elegant solution to managing my Kodi library more efficiently. Is there some amazing addon or piece of information that I’m missing? Thank you!