I need help. I use png´s as a texture for a progress bar. but I start at 10 not 0
pictures called 0.png-100.png the id=”22″ gives numbers from 0-100
What do I have to do
Quote:<control type=”progress” id=”32″>
<animation effect=”slide” start=”0,-238″ end=”0,0″ time=”240″ tween=”quadratic”>WindowOpen</animation>
<animation effect=”slide” end=”0,-238″ start=”0,0″ time=”240″ tween=”quadratic”>WindowClose</animation>
<description>progress control</description>
<control type=”image”>
<animation effect=”rotate” end=”-360″ center=”auto” time=”4000″ loop=”true” reversible=”false” condition=”!Player.Paused”>Conditional</animation>
<texture background=”true”>$INFO[Control.GetLabel(32),progress/,.png]</texture>
this is the code I wrote.
also the pictures flicker while change. How can I solve this issue
Please help.