elcinema.com Arabic movies scraper

finally Arbic Movies Get scraped, by:


since there are no sufficient data for Arabic content on neither imdb or tmdb , Elcinema.com scraper, Based on elcinema.com the biggest arabic movies database provide almost all meta data about Arabic content:

Movie information available :

Title ,Oreginal title, genre, plot, cast(with photos for some actors not all), Director,

[Image: 1a.JPG?dl=0]

[Image: 2a.JPG?dl=0]

[Image: 3a.JPG?dl=0]

4- showing Cast
[Image: 6a.JPG?dl=0]

5.1- scraping progress
[Image: 4a.JPG?dl=0]

[Image: prog1.JPG?dl=0]

========================================Setting —–This Important for Elcinema to work……

since Elcinema Dealing with Arabic content, you Needs:

1- Change skin font to ArialBased
[Image: setting2.JPG?dl=0]

2- Change Character set from international tab to Arabic(windows)

[Image: ch-set.JPG?dl=0]

=========================================================Options ………
Addon(Elcinema.com) setting :

1- If you need Metadata for your Arabic Movies in English enable
English content Option , Default is disabled.and it is Better for all Data to bescraped.

[Image: settings.JPG?dl=0]


Feel free to report as Bugs as you can Smile
======================================================================improving ………….