
Would Team Kodi like to tell me why the hell they are removing my access to the Kodi wiki, which also removes my ability to grant new accounts, block spammers, and make backups (the only backups that exist, by the way, are the ones I manually make)? Do you even understand what it takes to keep that thing going?

No one talks to me about this, no one even attempts to discuss it with me. Why? Because certain people don’t like me on a personal level. The only person who let me know what was going on convinced me it wasn’t worth fighting over (now that rob has left), and I gave in to ronie’s demand that his repo page be blanked. After that happens, you cowards go behind my back and remove my access, and I only find out about it because I am no longer able to grant a new user his account.

On top of that, you’ve got wsnipex‎ removing access to people like Gamester17, who is still active and still a team member.

How is any of this acceptable? On what planet does this count as reasonable behavior?