Media Library database on network device?

Hello there Smile

I can´t see how it is done, so if its possible please explain to me how Smile

It could be really nice if it was possible to save the media library database on a network device. The Android app installed on my Sony TV takes up a lot of space because I have a pretty large collection of movies and tv-shows.

I know I could disable fanart, thumbs for actors etc. but the great thing about Kodi is that you have all the information about movies, actors, directors etc.

Another question: Because it is much easier to manage the database content (getting all the movies right etc.) on a laptop, I have tried to install Kodi on my laptop, export the entire database to a network location and then import the database to the Android App on my Sony TV.
But it doesn´t seem to update and overwrite the existing database, it adds all the movies and tv-shows so everything appears twice.
How can I avoid that?

Just a piece of my mind Smile