Video: smart playlist for unrated “my rating”

My intent is to create a smart playlist for movies that are unrated by user.

I found it was impossible to create a video smart playlist that filters on “my rating” (userrating). at least on my configuration. I tried to set a rule “my rating” “less than” 1. That resulted in empty container. I also tried creating 10 rules of the form “my rating” “is not” 1 for values 1-10. Same results.

So I looked at My Videos107 and I see that the userratings for all movies added to the library are <null> by default. If it matters, I use local nfos for all videos and my nfo files have an element :


But this seems to result in the video db setting userrating to <null> vice 0. Movieinfo dialog UI (that opens select dialog for “set my rating” button control) shows “my rating” as selected as “no rating”. I found that if I changed my rating in the movieinfo dialog UI to some value, and then back to “no rating” that would result in a userrating of 0 in the database, and then of course my smart playlist works. (This seems to be how SetUserrating(iItem) is intended to work).

I tested removing the <userrating>0</userrating> line from my nfo and reloading to the library; that had the same results (<null> entry in db). I also tried <userrating>1</userrating> and that resulted in 1 in the db as expected.

So it seems to me this is a design/requirements error in the code. I think userrating should be stored as 0 and not <null> by default. If the requirement was to treat “unrated” as different from “userrating 0”, I think movieinformation dialog needs changed as <null> and 0 both show as “no rating” in select dialog. In addition there should be a way to create a filter rule to select <null> and a <userrating>0</userrating> element in nfo files should be treated as such and not as a <null>.

scott s.