ERROR: SQL: [Textures13.db] Attempt to write a readonly database kodi


I’ve re-organized the skin in Kodi buy adding/removing menus and sub-menus. Now I have this error in the log:

ERROR: SQL: [Textures13.db] Attempt to write a readonly database  kodi

I haven’t changed anyting else but some skin menu’s and sub-menus once again. I’m using Aeon Nox skin.

I’ve read on this forum about possible cache thumbnail problems and whatnot, but the tech talk is way over my head. Could anyone help me out on what to do? Should I manually delete this db (how?), or something else?

The log is absolutely flooded with error messages related to this and thumbnail caching. With every action it creates a new log entry like this. I use a an android device (Himedia Q5 Pro media box).
Edit: in kodi through file manager, the in userdata the textures13.db is entirely missing!
