how to obtain default images

When accessing favorites via GetFavourites method, the return object contains a “thumbnail” value for each item in the list.
Depending on what is in your favorite list, it might be a ‘default‘ item, such as:

“thumbnail”: “DefaultMusicSongs.png”,
“title”: “Songs”,
“type”: “window”

Other times there may be a direct link to where on the server file system such as with the youtube addon:

“thumbnail”: “C:\\Users\\Pc\\AppData\\Roaming\\Kodi\\addons\\\\icon.png”,
“title”: “YouTube”,
“type”: “window”

what i would like to find out is how to access these.

I well know that when the path is formatted as a “image” resource such as returned in other methods:

“addonid”: “”,
“thumbnail”: “image://​con.png/”,
“type”: “xbmc.python.pluginsource”

then the PrepareDownload method can be used to obtain the correct link.
But this doesn’t work on these that are returned by these returned by GetFavourites as described above…

any hints?