Handling changed strings

this might be a better question for the Translations area but it applies to translations within addons so thought I’d start here.

Just wondering how other people are handling when strings change within their addons, with regards to translations. As an example, say you have 20 strings in your English strings file for a given addon. You change 5 of them and then add 5 more. Now if you have 10 translated languages they are missing those changes. It’s kind of a chicken/egg problem as far as I can tell since you won’t be able to get them translated until you push the addon and it’s synced with Transifex for people to look at, but yet if you push the addon a lot of people are going to get mis-translated files.

Is there a better way to handle this? A way to get the translations before doing a push to the Kodi repo? If this was a minor change I wouldn’t be worried but I made some significant changes to the string files of one addon and know it will look “super weird” to everyone using the old translations files.