Smart Playlist for “playcount”

Hello all,

I’m trying to get our movies to sort by playcount (least played movies first, then the rest after they’ve caught up). Here is how I’d like the process to work:

– We purchase 8 new movies every month, I rip them, I then put them into Kodi
– After Kodi recognizes these new movies have been put into the system, it should then pick up the next movie with one of the new movies (since the playcount will be 0)
– After all movies have caught up in playcount, it should just be random selection after that, until I place new movies in with the playcount of 0

This is the All.xsp I tried using:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes" ?>
<smartplaylist type="movies">
    <rule field="path" operator="is">
    <order direction="ascending">playcount</order>

It didn’t work. It played the new movies one time around, and then began picking movies that had a higher playcount than the newer movies. If I restart the Kodi, it then picks up again from the least played, but after a few movies, it reverts back to just picking from all of them.

I’m using the following script:

import xbmc


It’s such a basic playlist file that I couldn’t imagine Kodi getting hung up on anything. I’ve researched and read I don’t know how many threads from people back in 2013, 2015, etc. and still, they are having the same issues that I’m seeing. Is this still a bug that has never been fixed? What might I be doing wrong?
