Using Kodi without the library features

I don’t feel that Kodi’s library features are useful for me. I just want to navigate my media sources using the directory structure of my networked drives.

This works fine for Video. I just add the 4 or 5 media sources I want by selecting “Video”, then “Files”, and “Add videos”. When it asks me if I want to add these videos to the library, I just answer “No”. Then when I’m done with all that, after restarting Kodi when I hover over “Videos”, the Media sources I entered appear directly in the right half pane, and I can click on the one I want and navigate to the desired video. This is EXACTLY the way I was hoping it would work!

But my complaint is that I can’t get this to work the same way for Music. I go to Music, and the right half pane says that my library is empty (which it is). I can click on “Enter files section” and I can enter my Media sources just as I did before with the video files. However after restarting Kodi, I don’t see these selections in the right half pane when I hover over “Music”. Indeed I can get to my music by clicking on “Music” (on the left pane) and then clicking on “Files”. At this point I see the list of media sources that I added and I can say that it works fine from there. It may seem like a minor complaint, but it is annoying to need these extra two clicks. After all, I don’t need these two extra clicks when accessing my Video sources, so why shouldn’t selecting Music be just as easy?

I would appreciate any ideas you may have to make this run more smoothly.