Is there a way to achieve this with Kodi ? (my dream music manager inside)

Hello Smile

I’m trying since several years, on and off, to find the perfect music manager (tried Kodi, MusicBee, Plex, MusicMonkey, Helium, VLC…).

I reinstalled Kodi last month but I didn’t find a way to do what I want to do.

What I’d love to (for a music manager) :

– be able to play different songs (different users, then) at the same time with only one database (e.g in the living room + another user with his/her laptop somewhere in the house)
– have a centralized database (on my NAS, or on a light htpc)
– remote control the Kodi setup, with any device connected (without a remote desktop if possible)
– be able to rate songs anywhere (when playing, in a queue, in a library), with the device playing a song
– have these ratings in only one database
– be able to make playlists, with the kodi box or remotely
– a setup that can read mpc files (Musepack)

Sounds like Spotify, uh ? Sort of. But with my music, locally.

The most near-of-my-dream-setup is, at that time :
– Kodi box (my old desktop, in fact)
– remote controlled with Chorus2 (which can remote control the Kodi box AND play files locally on the controlling device !)

But this solution can’t :
– rate songs inside Kodi (rating is not written in Kodi database)
– play mpc in browser (tried with FF and VLC plugin, but I couldn’t make it play)
– create playlist inside Kodi (playlists created are in the brower interface, or I missed something)

I’d really love to achieve this. Really 🙂
I can change some things. I can use Mint instead of Windows. I could transcode my music files (in a non destructive way).

Thank you for any tip Angel