Kodi Error: Error: unable to create application. Exiting.

So, turned on the HTPC this evening and was greeted with a scary looking “red x” error window. Super.

The error window was called “Kodi Error” and the text of the window read “Error: unable to create application. Exiting.”

Several other posts on this forum pointed me towards the “profiles.xml” file. And that does appear to be the problem. I tried opening the file in Notepad++ and all that was there was “NULL” in white letters with black background repeated over and over and over… I have no idea what caused this…

I renamed that file, and started Kodi, which opened fine -except obviously all my settings were wiped. It will take a WHILE to get everything set up again…

So I guess my real question is… IS THIS FILE BACKED UP anywhere by chance? I know in the future I’ll be backing it up on my own! But unfortunately, I hadn’t experienced this little life lesson… so just HOPING it was backed up by Kodi somewhere elseConfused

Thanks for reading…